

The course will be held in Norwegian, but there will be a interpreter present to translate all content to English.

After the pandemic, many companies have developed guidelines for the use of home offices. The regulations of home office changed on the 1st of July of 2022.
We invite local union representatives and members to our webinar where we take a closer look at the guidelines for home office.

We do not record our webinars.

  • Date:

    11. september 2024

  • Time:

    09:00 - 11:30

  • Location:

    Zoom, WEBINAR

  • Deadline:

    09. september 2024

  • Available places:


This is what the regulation says:

Home office as a fixed and temporary solution.

Remote work.

Working hours when working from home.

Agreements of working from home.

Work environment and HSE.

Additionally, we will inform you about work injury.


The programme is subject to changes.

Speaker Image

Hildur N. Nilssen

Hildur arbeider som advokat i Forskerforbundet.

Speaker Image

Elisabeth Gram Clark

Elisabeth Gram Clark arbeider som advokat i Advokatfirmaet  Ness Lundin DA.

 Hun arbeider særlig med erstatningsrett og arbeidsrett.