The goal of Forskerforbundet is a knowledge sector with pay and working conditions that recruit, develop, and retain qualified and motivated knowledge workers in competition with alternative career opportunities. The pay conditions should both reflect the social significance of the tasks and ensure that education, competence, responsibility, effort, and results pay off.
It is a goal to ensure professional development, good job structures and clear career paths throughout the knowledge sector. Research expertise must also be valued in enterprises outside academia.
All employees must be ensured good and safe working conditions and a good physical and mental working environment. A key goal is to reduce the proportion of temporary employees in the knowledge sector to a minimum. It is also a goal to reduce the involuntary additional work that employees in the sector report. Employees in the knowledge sector must be able to complete their work tasks within normal working hours, so that it is possible to balance work and leisure in all phases of life.
Priority 2025–2027
Forskerforbundet shall work for high valuation of knowledge workers by strengthening our members' pay and working conditions. |
Central and local collective wage settlements are Forskerforbundet's most important tool in the wage fight. Forskerforbundet will work systematically and purposefully for the best possible salary and working conditions and good salary development for our members. This includes, among other things, further development of statistics and relevant documentation as a basis for improving the salary level and salary development of our members. Forskerforbundet works to ensure that publicly employed knowledge workers are guaranteed salary development on a par with other highly educated people. Employees in private enterprises should be allowed to share in the economic profits of the enterprises. The conditions for PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows should be so good that these positions become attractive.
Working hours
Forskerforbundet works for an everyday working life for members where there is a good match between tasks and working hours. In research-performing enterprises, employees must be ensured continuous time for research and development work. Employers must take responsibility for the necessary overview of the total workload. Employees must be ensured compensation for imposed extra work. The member groups that have a working day governed by work plans must have realistic work plans so that assigned tasks can be carried out within normal working hours.
Temporary employment
Forskerforbundet will continue to survey the extent of temporary employment, and exert pressure on authorities and employers to reduce the proportion. Researchers who mainly obtain their own funding have the right to the same job security as other employees. Insecurity related to externally funded activities must be borne by the institutions, not the individual employee. Forskerforbundet will work on a broad front to ensure that temporary employment in the knowledge sector is at least reduced to the level in working life in general, and work for a change in attitude in enterprises with a high level of temporary employment, so that employers at all levels follow the intentions of the legislation. Forskerforbundet is sceptical of the tenure-track position and has more faith in the announcement of permanent scientific positions.
Skills development and career development
A high rate of change, new technology and constant restructuring in working life increase the need for continuous skills development. Forskerforbundet's members work in knowledge-intensive businesses, where it is crucial that the employees have access to skills development throughout their working lives. The employees' interests and co-determination must be safeguarded in digitalization processes and when introducing artificial intelligence. Forskerforbundet will work for good systems for continuing and further education and rewards for skills development both in the form of salary and career opportunities.
Job structures and opportunities for career development should be established based on competence and known criteria for promotion in all sectors.
Working environment
Forskerforbundet works for an inclusive working environment with respect for equality and diversity. Discrimination, unequal treatment, and all forms of harassment must be prevented. It is important that the enterprises in the knowledge sector establish strategies for gender balance in all positions, and for recruiting ethnic minorities and people with reduced functional levels.
To ensure a good working environment and good work performance, it is necessary to have a functional workplace design that is adapted to the work tasks and the needs of the individual employee. Employees must be ensured co-determination in the processes in order to obtain good and sustainable solutions in connection with new buildings, the introduction of new infrastructure and workplace design.