
Forskerforbundet's members in Abelia have their salaries determined in local collective agreements. Forskerforbundet has approximately 1,800 members in Abelia, and the largest member groups are researchers and administrative support staff.

Forskerforbundet's members in Abelia have their salaries determined in local collective agreements. Forskerforbundet has approximately 1,800 members in Abelia, and the largest member groups are researchers and administrative support staff.
Abelia is the employers' organisation NHO's association for knowledge and technology companies.
Forskerforbundet has a central agreement with Abelia which regulates the cooperation between employer and employees, and gives the local representatives local bargaining rights. Furthermore, the agreement provides general provisions on salaries and working conditions.
Supplementary provisions on salaries and working conditions are agreed in local collective agreements, called special agreements (særavtaler).
Salary negotiations take place between the employer and Forskerforbundet's local branch at the individual establishment. It is the local representative in Forskerforbundet who negotiates.
Check our salary statistics (available to members)
Our salary statistics Statistics: salary development (in Norwegian)See your collective agreements here (only in Norwegian)
Collective agreements – Abelia