Municipal sector (KS)

Forskerforbundet's members in KS have their salaries determined in a combination of central and local negotiations.

Forskerforbundet's members in KS have their salaries determined in a combination of central and local negotiations.
Forskerforbundet is a party to the Basic Collective Agreement (Hovedtariffavtalen) and the Basic Agreement (Hovedavtalen) in KS and has around 550 members who are covered by this set of agreements.
KS negotiates on behalf of 356 municipalities and 15 regions/county municipalities, with a total of around 450,000 employees.
The central negotiations in the KS area take place between the union confederations and the employer organisation KS. Forskerforbundet participates in the negotiation committee Unio municipality (Unio kommune).
The local negotiations in the KS area take place between the employer representatives and the trade unions at the individual municipality. It is the local union representatives in Forskerforbundet who negotiates salary for you locally.
The City of Oslo is the only municipality in Norway that is a separate collective bargaining area.
Check our salary statistics (available to members)
Our salary statistics Statistics: salary development (in Norwegian)See your collective agreements here (only in Norwegian)
Collective agreements – municipal sector (KS)