The largest member groups in the state bargaining area work in scientific and technical-administrative positions at universities and colleges. In addition, we have larger and smaller member groups who are employed in research institutes, ministries, directorates and other public administration.

The central salary negotiations in the state sector take place between the union confederations and the Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance (DFD). Forskerforbundet is the largest union in the state sector in Unio, and Unio's negotiation committee is led by Forskerforbundet's president Steinar A. Sæther.

The local salary negotiations in the state take place between the employer and the trade unions at the individual enterprises. It is the local union representatives in Forskerforbundet who negotiates wages for you locally.

Since 2016, there are two parallel basic collective agreements in the state sector.

In 2022, Forskerforbundet and Unio entered into a joint agreement with Akademikerne (The Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations) for the first time. The Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance has one agreement with Akademikerne and Unio, and another agreement with LO Stat and YS Stat.

Forskerforbundet's members follow the Unio agreement. Our salary calculator is also based on the Unio agreement.

Salary calculator for employees in the state sector

The salary calculator shows a calculated average salary for state employees. The average salary is based on reporting from the state to Statistics Norway (December 2024) plus an addition of 2.7% which was the framework for the local settlement in 2024.

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