
Stress management for PhDs and postdocs

Are you feeling stressed? Join our webinar and learn how to handle stress!

Our emotions are our most important signaling system, informing us about what we need and about our relationships with others. However, emotions are often also confusing, painful and difficult to deal with, and being upset, stressed or overwhelmed can get in the way of what we want to achieve.

  • Dato:

    10. september 2024

  • Tidspunkt:

    12:00 - 15:00

  • Sted:

    Zoom, WEBINAR

  • Påmeldingsfrist:

    08. september 2024

  • Antall plasser:


In this webinar you will learn about what stress and emotions are, how our emotions are there to help us, and some simple exercises and tips on how to handle stressand difficult emotions in healthy ways.

The webinar is free and open to all registered members in PhD and postdoctoral positions.

The course will be held in English

Speaker Image

Margrethe Standal Gleditsch (Eng)

Margrethe Standal Gleditsch works at the Institutt for psykologisk rådgivning (IPR) in Oslo, has specialised in affect conscionsness therapy and trauma treatment, and is passionate about the role of emotion in human interactions. She gives courses and lectures on relationships, emotion and stress management.